Neoedge Events is a series of renowned events.

Neoedge identifies pressing issues that the corporate world is facing. Neoedge events are developed based on careful and original research including extensive and direct interactions with potential participants in the market.

Neoedge Events are distinguished by delivering premier value to customers in a sustainable means instead of one-off transaction.

Aside from Master Classes, Workshops, and Conferences, Neoedge conducts exclusive team/company trainings wherein the agenda is being customised for its clients’ In-House Training requirements.


Neoedge is Spring Singapore Certified for the Service Class Category

Neoedge is one of the few organisations in Singapore, and the first in the events services industry, to be certified by the Spring Singapore. This merit of recognition is given only to organisations that demonstrate outstanding business excellence niche standard for service. The niche standard enables organisations to develop their service capabilities to enhance service leadership, service agility, customer delight and customer experience. It covers six dimensions of excellence, namely, Leadership, Planning, Information, People, Customer and Results.

Spring Singapore’s Business Excellence (BE) awards are benchmarked against international quality awards such as the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award, European Quality Award and Australian Business Excellence Award.